Interview with Photographer Adina Shurkin

Adina Shurkin is a self-taught photographer whose photography is both an expression of the places she visits and scientific documentation of the natural world around her. She is passionate about natural light photography and respects nature’s processes. Her work is often infused with a scientific edge through creative compositing. With a focus on the individual and their surroundings, Shurkin’s photography is often lyrical and evocative. While photographing, she often uses various light sources, creating interesting light shows.

She has exhibited her work in several galleries and museums across the country and appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

In this interview, you will learn more about how Adina Shurkin creates her photography.

Which aspect of being a photographer inspires you the most after all these years?

Adina Shurkin: Travel gives me a thrill, a constant sense of stimulation, and I love getting the photos downloaded into Lightroom in the evening and knowing I achieved my goal. When I’m out on a shoot with people, I enjoy teaching them how to see and watching the lights go off in their heads.


Do you have a favorite spot on earth that you enjoy photographing?

Adina Shurkin: There is a question I always get and you would think I know the answer.

Invariably, my favorite spot is where I was last. It is incredible to encounter thousands of stinky penguins on South Georgia, and it is absolutely thrilling to photograph bears in Alaska. Observing the migrations in East Africa and enjoying a sundowner is one of life’s sublime experiences.


What is your go-to camera equipment combination?

Adina Shurkin: The Canon 1D X and 5DS R are my go-to cameras. In general, I carry the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm f/2.8 with me wherever I go.

What is the one piece of equipment you cannot live without in your bag?

Adina Shurkin: Coffee. Does that qualify as equipment?

How would you advise someone just starting out in the nature photography industry, assuming the industry has changed since you started out?

Adina Shurkin: Getting out the door and making imagery is so much of the creative process. Learn art, experiment with your camera, avoid harsh light by shooting early in the morning and late in the afternoon, and take classes from your photography heroes (or watch them online).

Make sure you know what you’re photographing — geopolitical & social history, biology, etc. Don’t go into a location cold, and don’t forget the business side. Make sure you do not quit your day job on a whim thinking you will instantly make a living as a nature photographer. I am constantly working on my photography 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Despite the fact that photography is a very challenging profession, a great deal of people are out there with cameras, and many of them are succeeding.

 Learning and exploring never end, no matter how old you are.

You can see the photography of Adina Shurkin by visiting her profile on Instagram.

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